A Rock


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For those who arrive here we’ve got a story and a reward!
The story to tell is about the young Vito, Modesto and Crescenzia, they where escaping from Diocleziano during the Roman Empire.
They sailed from Marsala (a little West of here) going north but a storm forced them back to land, it was the beach where San Vito lo Capo is now located.
About 3 km away from that beach there was a little town called Conturrana; it was the first settlement in the area.
Vito, Crescenzia and Modesto tried to convert the inhabitants to Christianity but they were threaten and kicked out.
Then the divine fury destroyed the village of Conturrana with an avalanche.
Not far from that site is the small chapel of Santa Crescenzia, dedicated to Vito and Crescenzia.  In the following years they became famous for taking away pirates from the Sicilian coast and punishing them.
The legend says that if you leave a rock that came from your place of birth inside the small chapel you will conquer at least one of your fears.
The little chapel is located 2km away from Timbuktu Hostel.
Show us your video where you drop a rock from inside Santa Crescenzia and that you walked the 2km to Timbuktu and you will receive an amazing reward